Posted by: tmumcoutliveyourlife | February 20, 2012

I have experienced the selfless service of another…

During my cancer treatment, 21 yrs ago, my Mom was ever present and always taking care of me.
I was a single Mom of two teenagers when I was diagnosed with breast cancer. My work was very demanding and I was expected to work every day that I possibly could. That being said, my Mom filled in for me in so many ways with the kids, driving me to and from treatments and taking care of my home.
One particular day, I was sent to the hospital for emergency surgery and when Mom let her boss know that she was leaving to take care of me, he told her she could not leave. She also had a very demanding and complicated job. Mom, being my Mom, did what she knew was right and left to take care of me under the threat of losing her job. Good news is that she did not lose her job and remained with the company until her retirement!
Mom never compromised her belief that family always came way before work. She is a shining example of what a Godly Mother is!

Submitted by Retha Welch

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