Posted by: tmumcoutliveyourlife | February 17, 2012

When have you experienced the selfless service of another?

I had a rough time when I was a teenager. I was on my own a lot, and I was working full-time while still in school. One year I spent months saving my money because I wanted to get my hair colored by the fancy stylist who took care of my friends’ hair. It was winter in Iowa, and the temperature was close to zero the day of my appointment. When I got there the stylist was shocked to see that I was not wearing a coat! She had only met me briefly on previous occasions when I accompanied my friends, but she took this very seriously! When I explained to her that I didn’t have a coat, she quickly realized that I, being a teenager and making teenage decisions, had elected to get my hair done rather than buy a sensible item like a coat. She offered to do my hair for free, but I turned her down. I had saved up for quite some time to get my hair done, and I was ready to pay! Afterward, we ended up talking for an extra hour about our families, our lives, etc. She stopped me when I was getting ready to leave and handed me a beautiful, expensive yellow coat that had been hanging on the wall. She explained that someone had left the coat there and I should take it with me. I thanked her and turned her down again because I was sure someone would come back to get that gorgeous, pricey coat. I left, and a week later she called and asked me to come back to the salon. The coat was still there, and she wanted me to have it. I took it that time and stayed warm the rest of the season. Years later I went back to that salon (older and wiser) and saw a picture of the stylist with her family. They were all bundled up in a Christmas photo, and the stylist was wearing the yellow coat. In my own naivete, I hadn’t realized then that she was literally giving me the coat off her back! I have never forgotten that gift and I never will.

Submitted by Karen Williams


  1. in 2010, My mom was diagnosed with a brain tumor. During the next year of her life, we were able to watch my mom worry about all her children. Her friends stepped up to make sure that we were all taken care of. My friends made sure that I had support, food, and after she had died, gave us Six Flags Season passes for 2012 to make sure that I had time to quality time to spend with my children and family. This last year was such a wonderful reminder of how the Lord provides and how the simply things that friends provide make a wonderful memory and support in your day to day life.

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