Posted by: tmumcoutliveyourlife | February 16, 2012

When have you experienced the selfless service of another?

My husband,daughters (4 and 2 years old) and I had just moved to Norman, OK. I was 4 months pregnant. The first Sunday in town, we visited the First Presbyterian Church. The following week, a crisis hit our family. I was hospitalized and had a miscarriage. We didn’t know anyone! One of the wives of an employee of Chris graciously took care of the girls but we still felt very alone. The hospital forms I completed asked for “church home” and “religion.” Although I said “Christian,” I couldn’t complete the “church home” question. The admission clerk delved further and I admitted we had only lived here 10 days and had visited only one church. I was only in the hospital a brief time. The first night home, there was a knock on the door. Standing there were two women with enough dinner to feed an army! The hospital administrator had called First Presbyterian and they acted. Their kindness and hospitality at a difficult time was greatly needed and appreciated. And…those 2 ladies became some of my closest friends in Norman. Who has shared selflessly with you?

Submitted by Denise Robinson

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